The Broons
The Broons and Oor Wullie are cartoon strips that appear every week in the Sunday Post newspaper. Both strips have achieved legendary status and in 2016 they celebrated their 80th anniversary!
In the Sunday Post’s The Broons strip, the family is billed as being ‘the happy family that makes every family happy’ and this phrase sums them up perfectly. Though they are ten in number, the family enjoys staying together in the small tenement flat of 10 Glebe Street, Auchentogle.
The family is made up of Paw and Maw Broon who are parents to eight children! Maw is the homemaker in charge of all household affairs. The Broons family features two older sons, Hen and Joe, and two grown-up daughters, Daphne and Maggie.
The younger children are Horace, who is the brains of the family, and the Twins (identical boys) plus the Bairn, a cut down version of Maw and wiser than her years. Last, but by no means least, is the roguish Granpaw Broon. Granpaw and the Bairn form a formidable partnership that can usually outsmart the other members of the family.
The marvellous artwork and well observed storylines means that everyone recognises a little of themselves in these classic tales. The strips often feature celebrity appearances and the famous faces that appear in The Broons or Oor Wullie see it as a great honour.