This England
About This England
This England is the quarterly magazine for everyone who loves England’s scenery, heritage, history and people. Launched in 1968 with the light-hearted slogan, “as refreshing as a pot of tea” and with a mission of “poetry not politics”, it is packed with absorbing articles, beautiful photography and uplifting stories and poems celebrating all that is best about England.
Over the years This England has built up – at home and abroad – a loyal readership who love its vibrant mix of features and nostalgia. In each seasonal issue we explore England’s historic towns and picturesque villages, our lovely countryside, our rich history, Kings and Queens, fine stately homes and churches, glorious gardens, colourful customs, curiosities and traditions. And while there’s lots of nostalgia, we find plenty to celebrate in modern England, too from the arts and culture to the forward-thinking entrepreneurs, architects and craft-makers. All in all, everything that makes England such a lively and interesting country.
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